nothing is easy…dogs and kimchi

So, like I knew it would be…its proven extremely hard (impossible) to find someone to groom Zeus and Fritz here. And this has nothing to do with the fact that I was googling “koreans eat dogs” 6 months before we came here! This is a real problem!…aside from my fear that instead of grooming them, they will roast them for dinner to eat along with their rotten vegetables that they bury under the ground for a few weeks, then dig up and call it kimchi (or maybe they used their high-tech kimchi fridge to rot their veggies). Either way, slimy, fermented cabbage, with a little dog on the side. Gross. Anyway! There are no groomers on base, and even when I asked the vet to recommend a Korean groomer off base, they said “Ummm, we can’t do that.” Ha! It wasn’t like I needed much of a reason not to trust Korean dog groomers, but that was all it took. Thankfully, Luke is like one of those handy pocket knives that you get that has all kinds of little helpful devices that fold out from all sides of it; and it turns out, he has some serious dog grooming skills. And I mean that in like a “roaring, beat your chest, scratch your balls, burp really loud” manly kind of way. His dog grooming skills are very manly. Now, ladies…if you haven’t found a guy that will groom your dog, cook you dinner, and rub your back while watching the latest Reese Witherspoon flick, you are clearly living your life the wrong way.
And for the record, I was picky about dog groomers in America too! Gahhhh. I know what you’re thinking and I know you are judging me for using the words their and they. But the fact is, I am not a Korean and they are Koreans. There is a difference. And seriously, some of them eat dogs. So there.

Also, just in case you wondered what two very bored miniature schnauzers look like…
They drag all their toys out daily…and even their winter sweaters some days. Life is hard for all of us over here in kimchi country.

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